About This Content The official Soundtrack of Darksiders II contains the following tracks: 01-The Makers Theme 02-Into Eternity 03-Makers In The Outlands 04-Story Of The Makers 05-The Corruption 06-The Makers Overworld 07-The Makers Fight Back 08-The Floating City 09-Crystal Spire 10-Trouble In Eden 11-Death Fights Archon 12-The Abyssal Plains 13-Earth Realm 14-The Crowfather 15-Death Plains Theme 16-The Plains Await 17-Supernatural Desert 18-The Eternal Throne 19-City Of The Dead 20-The Crypt 21-Death Brings Hope 22-Plains Of Death 23-Demon Realm 24-Into The Shadows 25-Lord Of The Black Stone 26-Death Plains Theme (Reprise) b4d347fde0 Title: Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition SoundtrackGenre: Action, Adventure, RPGDeveloper:Gunfire Games, Vigil Games, THQ NordicPublisher:THQ NordicFranchise:DarksidersRelease Date: 5 Nov, 2015 Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Soundtrack Full Crack [PC] darksiders 2 deathinitive edition soundtrack. darksiders ii deathinitive edition soundtrack обзор. darksiders ii deathinitive edition soundtrack it's a great soundtrack for some people who complaining about the guardian theme , get it here https:\/\/soundcloud.com\/jesperkyd\/darksiders2-the-makers-guardianit's free. beautiful sound track and great game when both came together the whole game as a whole is a wonderful pair.. \u5341\u4ee5\u4e0a\u5341. Wonderful music! It gives my heart a colorful journey. Jesper Kyd-I have been knowing him since Batman and Robin on SEGA. I think I'm in love.... Warning! Does not include the track that made me wish for an official soundtrack: the music from the intro when Death arrives at the veil, also heard during the battle against the Guardian.. love the game and can't wait to play the third one. The state that this soundtrack was released in is very poor. A bunch of really good tracks are missing and the audio quality is a bit iffy, not to mention Jesper Kyd isn't credited anywhere. However, this soundtrack is one of the most incredible scores I've heard for a video game and the author really deserves every penny so what can we do but buy it. Just try and find the unrelesed tracks out there and complete this unfinished masterpiece.. This does not have the Guardian Theme!!!!!I purchased this DLC just for that song and am left empty handed.. i love the music to this game very injoy able noting like killing things to a good beat lol
Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition Soundtrack Full Crack [PC]
Updated: Mar 11, 2020